Monday, 20 May 2013

My fourth blog award: The Sunshine Award

Firstly, thanks so much to Estrella Azul for nominating me for The Sunshine Award. Secondly, a massive thanks to everyone who keeps supporting my writing. I'm so grateful to everyone who reads, comments, shares, likes, tweets, etc. And now, a little sunshine to make my world a brighter place! 

Here are the rules:

  1. Include the award’s logo in a post or on your blog.
  2. Link to the person who nominated you.
  3. Answer 10 questions about yourself.
  4. Nominate 10 bloggers.
  5. Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blogs, letting them know they have been nominated.

And now for the 10 questions:

Favorite color – purple.
Favorite animal – giraffe.
Favorite number – can't say I have one. 
Favorite non-alcoholic drink – coffee or tea or coffee or tea (can't decide!).
Favorite alcoholic drink – mojito or rosé wine.
Facebook or Twitter? – facebook.
Passions – reading, writing, photography, watching films.
Prefer getting or giving presents? – giving, although receiving is fab too! ;) 
Favorite City – Berlin, Germany/Shanghai, China/Buenos Aires, Argentina/London, England.
Favorite TV Shows – Game of Thrones, Mad Men, Grey's Anatomy, Miranda. 

Nominated blogs: 


  1. Thanks Laura for thinking of me!

  2. Thanks every so much for awarding this to my blog, Laura. I really appreciate it and you've cheered up my morning a lot! I will aim to pass it on later this week. All the best with your writing.
    Lindsay x

    1. You're very welcome, Lindsay. Pleased I cheered up your morning. x

  3. It is my pleasure, Laura. I really like your writing, and loved reading a bit more about you :)

  4. Thank you so much Laura! This is a new one for me and every one I get makes me so warm and fuzzy I struggle to describe it!

    I will send you a link to the post when I get a chance to formally accept and stayed tuned her in the meantime.

    Thanks again!

    1. You're very welcome and I'll look forward to seeing your post! :)

  5. Thank you, Laura! So what draws you so strongly to Facebook?

    1. I've been using it for longer, so maybe it's just habit? Do you prefer twitter then?

    2. Thanks again, Laura! I posted my answers today.

  6. I have to tell you- I just read your Dragon of the North story over at Enchanted Conversation and I loved it! The combination of very olde-time-y sounding laungage with references to dietary requirements and facebook was just delightful!

    1. I'd love to be able to take credit for that, Beverly, but it wasn't me! Small difference in our names: I'm Besley and the 'other Laura' is BeAsley. Thought someone had stolen and published a story of mine for a minute though! ;)

  7. Thanks, Laura. I've always enjoyed reading your blog posts.

    1. You're very welcome. I enjoy reading yours too! :)

  8. Congratulations!! You deserve the Sunshine, as you bring some into our lives every week with your FF.

  9. I can't top any of the previous comments. However, your writing always evokes a mood whether it is dark and disturbing or bright and light-hearted. Needless to say I love reading whatever you write.


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