Friday, 25 October 2013

Friday Flash Fiction - Giraffes Can't Mate with Zebras

Giraffes Can’t Mate with Zebras

He’ll have to go. There’s nothing wrong with him per se, it’s just.

At primary school my group of friends and I gave each other animal nicknames. Mine
was the easy choice: giraffe, because I’m so tall. Always have been and although 
puberty gave the others a chance to catch up, no-­one ever did. 

Recently I’ve started dating someone shorter than me. He doesn’t seem to mind, but 
I think I do. I walk in the gutter when he’s on the pavement; stand on the lower step 
of the escalator, to be harshly reminded of the difference when we get to the bottom.
There’s the age ­old “there’s no height difference when you’re lying down” (nudge, 
nudge, wink, wink), but unlike ancient Romans who spent the majority of their time 
lazing on divans, I’m not sure that’s enough.  

‘Colin, we need to talk.’ 

Laura Besley

Flash Fiction Diary  

This piece is semi-autobiographical. I am very tall, one of my nicknames at school was giraffe and I did one try dating a man shorter than me. It didn't work out, but not for those reasons! 

I've decided to take part in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) again this year. The aim is to write 50,000 words towards a novel, or in my case towards a collection of short stories, within the month of November. That'll be kicking off next Friday. Hopefully I'll still have time to also keep the blog going, but I'm not sure I should make any promises...


  1. Fortunately, you found another giraffe!

  2. I'm certain the zebra is big enough to handle the break-up. Stay happy, giraffe.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you! I'll need it :) Are you doing it too?

  4. I love the line about the escalator! :-)

    I'm thinking about doing NaNo too. So I might bug you with emails to make sure you're writing, you big giraffe you...!

    1. You should do it! It's a great motivator. Maybe I'll be bugging you with emails too ;)

  5. I read this as humourous, but still felt a tinge of sadness too.

    Small question: Do giraffes write tall stories? (Groan... Sorry) :)

    1. Groan...! Liked your initial comment - interesting. And someone had to make the tall story joke! ;)

  6. I can so relate to this one!!

    Best of luck with NaNoWriMo.

    1. People being able to relate to your story is the best compliment ever, so thanks a lot! :)

  7. Poor zebra. I imagine being too short has tormented him as much as being too tall has you.

  8. I can completely relate to this one! At least Colin doesn't seem to go on about it incessantly...

    See you on NaNoWriMo!

  9. Giraffe your way up NaNo and don't you worry! There are plenty of giraffes around (that being said by a way shorter species).

    1. There are plenty of giraffes around and zebras and many others too! :)

  10. At least Colin wasn't Justin ;) xxx


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