Wednesday, 26 March 2014

On the Edge by Dick Hannah

About the Book

Title: On the Edge
Author: Dick Hannah
Publication: Amazon kindle (2013)
Summary: On the Edge takes Joe Malone, a disgraced and psychologically scarred Iraq War Marine veteran, to the canyons and deserts of West Texas to face his biggest fears and confront a dangerous enemy while racing in a three day adventure race. 

What I Think

On the Edge is almost two books for the price of one: present Joe and past Joe. As the book progresses we learn more about Joe's past life as a Marine and why this has led him to be the way that he is in his present life. These two threads of the story are cleverly woven together and feed into the ever-building climax at the end. 

Despite not knowing much, or indeed anything, about adventure races, there is enough detail in the book to follow what is going on. Joe works for his father's adventure fitness company as an instructor and the battle of fitness is also played out in the tumultuous relationship with his father. This relationship is tested further when one of their clients is murdered whilst Joe is leading the training session. 

Overall this is an enjoyable thriller and is recommended for people who enjoy murder mysteries. 

About the Author

Dick Hannah grew up loving to read and write. His first story, written in first grade, read like a Rex Stout pulp thriller but with less direction and absolutely no structure. He has since progressed and enjoys writing thrillers in the mould of Dick Francis and Diane Mott Davidson, but with adventure racing as a theme instead of horse racing or catering. He hopes to eventually develop into a techno/thriller writer and leverage his background in the Airborne Ranger Special Operations units. 

He is the author of Toe the Line and On the Edge

I have read & reviewed Dick Hannah's previous novel, Toe the Line, and he very kindly did an author interview for my blog. Click here for the link. 

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